Qoute of the week

"So many books, so little time."
- Frank Zappa

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

River Otters

Hey you guys! I think I should just say that im on here when im on here. Because I keep saying I will come on again, then don't go through with it. But, hopefully, since I have started Zoology, I will have some more posts on here!
Today, as you see in the title, is the RIVER OTTER
Not as good as the Sea Otter in my opinion, but still adorable! So, what is a River Otter you may ask? Well, this is what it looks like:
Is it not adorable?!? They are so cute! 
Now, onto some info on this cutie! River Otters love to have fun! They Wrestle, play tag, and slide down muddy or snowy riverbanks together. They also express themselves vocally with chirps, whistles, growls, and screams. Their pelts are waterproof, and allows them to regulate their temperatures. They can also hold their breath underwater for about eight minutes by being able to shut their nostrils and ears tightly so that way no water can get in. River Otters usually eat fish, but sometimes they just eat what's easiest to find, like frogs, crustaceans, insects, and such. River Otters live usually where it is wet, obviously, so usually you can find them in streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and along marine coasts. They really just try to live somewhere where they can get to high quality water, with an abundant food supply. Usually in a litter, there is 2-3 pups, which are born blind, but are fully covered with fur. They don't leave the den-which is usually a hollow log or beaver den- until they are 10-12 weeks old, then the mother will start teaching them how to swim, dive, and hunt until they are about 6 months old.
And that is some information on the River Otter! Except one more thing, if you are a mega animal lover you should know, that even though in the past River Otters almost went extinct when there was a bunch of hunters trying to kill them for their fur, River Otters are all better now, and not even endangered! So yay! That's all for today, but I'm thinking sometime soon to do one on a type of fox or wolf... what do you guys think? Hopefully I will remember because I forgot how fun this is.