Qoute of the week

"So many books, so little time."
- Frank Zappa

Monday, December 23, 2013

Deep sea creatures

So sorry that I have not been on here for like, months. XD BUT IM BACK NOW!!! I will try to remember to be on here more. Now that I have remembered. Might not as much once winter break is over. But now that its started get ready for some posts! YAY!!
So today imma tell ya guys about creepy deep sea animals. Now you might think, you're a kid! Of course these are scary to you! But just let me show you some pictures:

Now, if you think those arnt just a LITTLE scary, then congrats. If you think they look cool, what is wrong with you? Just kidding. The one that freaks me out the most is that first one... 
though not all deep sea animals are scary. Most are, but some not really. Like these: 

Now the first one actually kind of looks cute to me. XD But today im going to tell you about one of these deep sea creatures. 
and the animal for today is.. (drum roll please..)
Yup, this thing: 
The Japanese Spider Crab is the largest known crab species, with a body of 15 inches, the legs can be up to 12 feet, and the whole crab can weigh 41 pounds!  Hence the name, the crab only lives in the water around Japan.
 They have eight legs, and two arms for feeding. Each of the arms are 5 feet long. The Japanese Spider Crab is orange in color with white spots on its legs. It is found in depths of about 2,500 feet underwater. 
The crab usually only eats the bodies of dead animals, but it can also eat on shellfish. After they molt, they will eat their own shells for special nutrients! They are also very gentle animals. Even though they may look ferocious.
Here is the size of a Japanese spider crab next to a person: 
Well thats it for today! Hopefully I will think of another animal to do soon...
plus, this post was meant to be for yesterday. But oh well! I had to go somewhere and didnt have time to finish this. :P

Monday, March 11, 2013

funny cat pics!

I have been IN LOVE with funny animal pics recently! and I saw these and wanted to show them to you guys! hope you like them!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Funny pics!

Today, I'm gonna have my post be ALL funny pics! But, im going to do my own ideas of what they are saying or whatever. So, I will do my best, but they will probably not be that funny...
Ok, here we go!
 <Dude! what are you wearing!?

<Oh, PLEASE!? cant I have just ONE more cup of cat food!?


< I SAID I didn't want a hug! no GO AWAY!!!

Well, thats all I want to do right now. bye!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hunting animals for sport

Humans used to have to hunt to put food on the table, but now hunting is a pastime,
,and worse,: waterfowl, pheasant, and dove hunting are no more the shooting at living
targets. Some hunting is done only to get trophies or to see who can kill the most.
Weapons such as the bow and arrow are increasingly used. In all cases sport hunting
inflicts cruelty- Pain, trauma, wounding, and death- on creatures.
More then 100 million animals are reported killed by hunters each year.
The majority of species that are hunted - waterfowl, upland birds, mourning doves,
squirrels, rabbits, crows, coyotes, etc.- do not require population control.
Its sad that some people kill animals just for the fun of it, or to get a trophy or something.

Please check out my friend and mine's website! its at oceanlife.webs.com! Thanks!
Also check out our blog called under the sea!
Im going to put on some funny pics to lighten the mood! :)

Yup, nice and wintery!
See you soon!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Wind farms

Sorry everyone! I know it has been awhile since I last posted! sorry! ok, so my friend Caelan, wanted me to do a post about the wind energy thingys! because they can hurt some animals. Some people say that its the animals fault that they run into them, and some say that they CAN hurt the animals by accident.

this is what the wind energy things look like,
probably almost EVERYONE has seen one of THESE before.
So, the animals can get hurt by running into the blades of them, and they can get hurt.

Usually if you go to a wind farm, this is what you will
see on the ground:


Flying animals will fly right into one of the blades, and get crushed in mid-air! Its sad to think of all the animals dying because of wind farms.

My friend Caelan has a blog of her own! its:http://sugarandspiceandthetardis.blogspot.com/And she has a post about wind farms too. also read my other blog for mallory and mine's magazine! its http://oceanlifeblog.blogspot.com/ Its really cool! One more thing, go to our website too! its at oceanlife.webs.com!
I will try to start posting more often!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Albino animals

Hey everyone! First, I want to say this, check out mine and my friend Mallory's blog called under the sea! And check out our website oceanlife.webs.com! ok, now that thats done, did you guys like the last post? Or was it to sad? Idk, so this time its going to be about ALBINO ANIMALS!

First a few pictures of some albino animals...

                                                                                         I think the river otters look really cute!

Albinos are really rare and unusual,  They are the same as the others, just all have white in color. Not one inch of their natural coloring comes through, as their bodies are unable to produce melanin, it creates the normal color in an animals fur, scales, or skin.It usually results in the animal looking white or pink.

Being white does not mean the animal is an albino, the way to tell is by the eye coloration, all albino animals have pink or red eyes, though animals that are white and have blue eyes, are called leucistic. Which is not as serious as albinism. It is an inherited trait that passes from adult to young, an albino offspring is rare becuase the genes that cause albinism, rarely occur.

About 300 species across north America have albino members. There have been sightings of albino snakes, raccons, frogs, and deer. Its belived that every 10,000 mammals born, 1 will be albino. This shows how rare it is.

Hope you liked this post! Check out my magazines blog!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oil spills

Sorry I missed a bunch with my blog posts...
But today is a special post! It is about OIL SPILLS!!!!!!!!
Oil spills happen when an oil tanker leaks into the ocean.their are a few more ways
an oil spill can happen. Equipment breaking down may cause it. If the equipment
breaks down, the tanker may get stuck on shallow land. When they start to drive the
tanker again, they can put a hole in the tanker causing it to leak oil.
When country's are at war, one may decide to dump oil into the others oceans.
Terrorists may cause an oil spill becuase they are trying to get their attention, or they are trying to make a point.
Natural disasters (like hurricanes) may cause an oil spill, too. If a hurricane was a couple if miles away, the wids from the hurricane could cause the oil tanker to flip over, pouring  oil out.

Not to put a damper on things, a sad fact about the gulf oil spill is, the National Wildlife Federation reports that already more then 150 threatened or endangered sea turtles are dead. And 316 sea birds, mostly brown pelicans and northern gannets, have been found dead along the Gulf Coast as a result of the spreading oil.
For some reason I wanted to share about oil spills, I don't know why though...
 To lighten things up, im going to put on some funny animal pictures!

I love the polar bear one!!!!

Check out me and my friends magazine website at oceanlife.webs.com

See you soon!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The laughing Kookaburra

Hey everyone! Sorry for forgetting to do the 2nd part of my double decker blog, sorry.

This post is going to be about.....drum roll please....
I have no idea if you guys have even ever HEARD of a laughing kookaburra, but, I have been in a bird mood..
This is a kookaburra. I got this picture off of the San Diego zoo site.
The laughing kookaburra is a part of the kingfisher family, who dive into streams and rivers to catch fish, and are brightly colored. But as you can tell, the kookaburra is not brightly colored and it does not like fish.
They have a vary loud call that starts with a trilling sound then becomes a shrieking "laugh" before it ends with a soft chuckle! Most do their calling at dawn or dusk.
The kookaburra, when it is young, may stay around and help keep the chicks warm, feed their younger siblings, and defend their territory. When they are about four, they have to go find their own territory.
They get 15 to 16 1/2 inches long, and they eat snakes, frogs, and rodents.(gross!) Their chicks hatch without feathers and with their eyes closed. And the laughing kookaburra's call has been used as a sound effect in jungle movies to make the sound of monkeys! They live in Australia, Tasmania, and new Zealand.

I realized their is more then just 1 inch of snow, its probilly about 2 or 3. And its also REALLY cold! I am going to be FREEZING going up to dance tonight, because our van dosnt have heat...and our other one needs to be fixed. Also, hmm...nothing exciting happened last night or today so far. poo. And also, my friend Mallory, she makes this cool magazine called " Wildlife" And its pretty cool! If you like what I have been talking about with the animal part, then you would LOVE it! Just comment if you do...:)
Well, thats all I can think about saying...


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Part one of my double decker blog!

Oh my gosh! Guess what!? WE GOT SNOW!!! YAY! See? I told you they said their would be snow. And its not like we've never gotten snow, its just, you know, been awhile! I don't think we have gotten snow all January....maybe....I DON'T KNOW!!! So, I was thinking, today, well yesterday.(he he!)About what animal I should write about today....I couldn't think of anything. poo. But now I think that I should do the peacock! There just so COLORFUL! :) So, as I have just said, here are some facts (or weird things) about peacocks!

Did you know that the peacocks tail take up more then 60% of its body length? And the peafowl(blue peacock) used to be kept as pets!Their size is 35 to 50 in. not including its 5 ft. tail! Also, technically only males are called peacocks, females are peahens, together they are called peafowl.
Only male peacocks have a colorful train,and baby peacocks are called peachicks! The three different types of peacocks are: Indian, green, and Congo.

They also have colorfull "eye" markings of red, blue, gold, and other hues on their feathers.

 Here is a close up of the feathers. 

The Indian peacock has the brightest feathers, but peahen's are a drab, mottled brown in comparison. The male needs his bright feathers to attract a mate but the female needs to blend in to protect her eggs.
A group of peafowl are called a "party" or "pride"
The peacock eats: Grain, insects, small reptiles and mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seeds, and flower parts. Wow! Thats a lot of different foods!
They live in Forests and rain forests, and india, Pakastan, and Sri Lanka.
Southeast Asia, and central Africa!

OK, I know that was more then I usually do but what I read was really interesting! By the way, with the snow, its only like 1 inch. I know, it stinks.

ok, even though this is only my third blog im gonna do A double decker one! Im going to do TWO animals!
But they are going to be two separate blog posts. So.... Get ready for a double blog!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another random blog post :)

Hey Everyone! Its me again! Ready to read another random blog post? Ok, here it goes.
There was a thunderstorm last night and its raining like crazy today! But the weird thing is, is that its supposed to snow tonight! How does THAT work!? So, what that has to do with anything is that I think today seems like a good day to read, bake,(I think cookies sound good..) and play animal crossing! For some reason whenever its kinda a gloomy day I have an urge to play animal crossing..I know, weird.
OK, that was the random part, yay! Actually I just felt like saying that...:)
What animal should I do something about? Hmm...Ok, I have thought of one! The sea otter! I LOVE sea otters!
So, did you know that with sea otters, while they get older, just like with people, their fur starts to turn white? And also NO! A sea otter is NOT a river otter they look compleaty different..

This is a sea otter.
I know, cute right?

And another cute thing about the sea otter is that it will always carry around its favorite rock to smash open shells and such!
And their fur looks different wet then dry! This sea otter is obviously dry because when their fur is wet its a lot darker.
And when they eat they put the shell on their bellies then smash it with their rock.
Well, I cant think of anything else to say, might do another entry later today. BYE!

Monday, January 28, 2013

First blog post. YAY!!!

Hi everyone! This is my first ever blog post! I am going to talk mostly about animals but I might get off subject or just have something random to talk about! :) 
You know how when you hear the word skunk, you think "Eeew! Gross! Skunks smell bad!" Well, acually, Skunks only spray when they need to, when the animal wont leave. They actually hate the smell of the spray! So when they do it, they aim away from themselves so they don't get the smell! I thought that was really funny!
So, another thing about this blog, I am probilly going to talk about being green to because I am OBBSEESED with being green! :) 
Here is something AWESOME about me....I am HOMESCHOOLED!
yay! Being homeschooled is awesome! If you are homeschooled,
Yay! If you are not, Yay! To you too! Because being public schooled is cool too! Sorry, that was really random!:) LOL!
Another thing about skunks, is that they are ADORABLE!

I mean how cute is this one?  

 OK, with this being normal size it dosnt fill up much, but when its large it fills up A BUNCH! AHH! Thats annoying.....  oops, sorry, being random again! LOL 
I need to ask you guys something, do you think animals etc. is a good name? Because im not sure....
I also might put two blog posts on the same day because I will have more to talk about for some weird reason or because im bored...so..yeah.  
Well, that's all I have to say, Bye!!! 