Qoute of the week

"So many books, so little time."
- Frank Zappa

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Part one of my double decker blog!

Oh my gosh! Guess what!? WE GOT SNOW!!! YAY! See? I told you they said their would be snow. And its not like we've never gotten snow, its just, you know, been awhile! I don't think we have gotten snow all January....maybe....I DON'T KNOW!!! So, I was thinking, today, well yesterday.(he he!)About what animal I should write about today....I couldn't think of anything. poo. But now I think that I should do the peacock! There just so COLORFUL! :) So, as I have just said, here are some facts (or weird things) about peacocks!

Did you know that the peacocks tail take up more then 60% of its body length? And the peafowl(blue peacock) used to be kept as pets!Their size is 35 to 50 in. not including its 5 ft. tail! Also, technically only males are called peacocks, females are peahens, together they are called peafowl.
Only male peacocks have a colorful train,and baby peacocks are called peachicks! The three different types of peacocks are: Indian, green, and Congo.

They also have colorfull "eye" markings of red, blue, gold, and other hues on their feathers.

 Here is a close up of the feathers. 

The Indian peacock has the brightest feathers, but peahen's are a drab, mottled brown in comparison. The male needs his bright feathers to attract a mate but the female needs to blend in to protect her eggs.
A group of peafowl are called a "party" or "pride"
The peacock eats: Grain, insects, small reptiles and mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seeds, and flower parts. Wow! Thats a lot of different foods!
They live in Forests and rain forests, and india, Pakastan, and Sri Lanka.
Southeast Asia, and central Africa!

OK, I know that was more then I usually do but what I read was really interesting! By the way, with the snow, its only like 1 inch. I know, it stinks.

ok, even though this is only my third blog im gonna do A double decker one! Im going to do TWO animals!
But they are going to be two separate blog posts. So.... Get ready for a double blog!

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